
A Person located in a jurisdiction other than the AIFC may apply to AFSA for an order declaring it to be a Recognised Non-AIFC Member (RNAM), Recognised Non-AIFC Market Institution (RNAMI) or a Foreign Fund Manager. Recognition will enable financial market infrastructures (trading platforms and clearing and settlement institutions),qualified potential market participants (brokers) and foreign fund managers to be recognised to carry out their activities in the AIFC without having to establish a physical presence in the AIFC.


How to apply:


1. Contact Participant Support & Sales team of AIFC Authority

We recommend to contact the Participant Support & Sales team of AIFC Authority, who are at hand to support and guide organisations through the processes of authorisation and registration.

You may contact them via [email protected] or receive detailed information via +7 7172 959 000.


2. Prepare to apply

Familiarise yourself with the applicable AIFC Rules and Regulations and be prepared to show how you comply with them. The AIFC Rules and Regulations can be found on our website at Legal Framework section.


3. Complete the Application form

It is vital that you supply all relevant information. Openness and honesty are essential. Should we need to examine your application more closely because of any disclosures you make, this will not necessarily count against you. However, deliberately withholding information or providing false or misleading information will adversely impact the success of your application.


Recognised Non-AIFC Members

Once you have decided to apply for the recognition process, you can apply offline via [email protected] or online via our Self-service Portal.


3.1. Offline recognition

To initiate the recognition process offline, please submit the completed applications below to [email protected].

Recognition Non-AIFC Member application fee is 2000 USD.

3.2. Online recognition

To start using the portal all you need is to follow these 4 steps:
1)  Open the Portal;
2)  Register on the portal using a valid email address, upon provision of necessary information, please verify your account by clicking the link sent to the provided email address;
3)  Login to the portal and click the “New application” button;
4)  Choose ‘Authorisation’ in the menu and within it choose ‘Recognition Non-AIFC  Member (RNAM) application’.

Once an application is ready (all sections will be colored in Green), you can submit it to AFSA via the Self-service portal. For the submission of an application, you need to make an offline payment using the banking operator services and upload a payment confirmation to submit the application on the portal.

Recognition Non-AIFC Member application fee is 2000 USD.

Applicable AIFC Rules and Regulations for RNAM:

Recognition as a Foreign Fund Manager

Foreign Fund Manager is permitted to manage a Domestic Fund in accordance with AIFC CIS Rules, and if the Units of such Fund are Offered in the AIFC, then it must be an Exempt Fund as defined in AIFC CIS Rule 2.2(a).

Once you have decided to apply for the recognition process of Foreign Fund Manager, you can apply offline via [email protected] by submitting the completed applications below.


Application forms: 

List of supporting documents

  • Letter of good standing from home regulator
  • Copy of current regulatory licence
  • Documentation regarding the comparative gap analysis of home jurisdiction’s regulatory regime in relation to Funds and Fund Managers compared with that of the AFSA
  • Appointed Fund Administrator Agreement
  • Appointed Eligible Custodian Agreement


Recognition as a Foreign Fund Manager application fee is 2000 USD.


Applicable AIFC Rules and Regulations for Foreign Fund Managers:

* Please note that the application package should be submitted along with the evidence of payment. When the application is ready for submission, please send us a completed request for invoice (please follow the link to download the document) and after that we will issue the invoice for payment. If the payment to be made by a natural person, then please provide a copy of his/her ID as well. 


4. Application processing

A successful application will result in the AFSA issuing you an order declaring a Person to be a Recognised Non-AIFC Member or a Recognised Foreign Fund Manager. Before making an order, the AFSA will need to be satisfied that the applicant meets the requirements for recognition in Section 91 of the AIFC Financial Services Framework Regulations for RNAMs, and Section 1.5 of the AIFC Collective Investment Scheme Rules for Foreign Fund Managers.


5. Currency Regulation

Please note that the AFSA and the National Bank of Kazakhstan have signed Rules on Currency Regulation and Provision of Information on Currency (“the Rules”). The Rules, amongst other things, detail the list of the financial services that AIFC Participants can provide to residents of the Republic of Kazakhstan, that are not AIFC Participants. It also includes details of when and how AIFC Participants can transact business in the local currency (Tenge) or foreign currency. Please familiarize yourself with the Rules and how they might apply to your business going forward.


6. How to contact us

Please feel free to contact us through the following email: [email protected].
For technical queries of AIFC Self-service Portal please contact us through the following email: [email protected] or send us a message in Live chat of AIFC Self-service Portal.