Warning to Consumers concerning C.Invest Hedge Fund

Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan – The Astana Financial Services Authority (“AFSA”) informs that a company named “C.Invest Hedge Fund” released information in the public domain which claimed that the Company was undertaking authorised activities in regard to Crypto-Currency Trading, including but not limited to, offering advice on investments, managing investments and dealing in investments as a principal and an agent.

As this information was released in the public domain, AFSA considers it appropriate to set the public record straight to protect the interests of the Astana International Financial Centre (“AIFC”) community and members of the public.


AFSA is aware that the following claims were released in the public domain on the website cinvest.kz:

  • “C.Invest is a member of the Astana InternationaI Financial Centre”: AFSA clarification – С.Invest is not a participant of the AIFC. C.Invest is not authorized to carry out any Regulated Activities;
  • “C.Invest is a Hedge Fund”: AFSA clarification – there is no fund registered in the AIFC with the name “C.Invest” or any authorised person associated with a “C.Invest”;
  • Profits of 5-30% per month or 160% per annum may be expected and Guaranteed Returns may be expected: AFSA clarification – AFSA is unable to verify the veracity of these claims.

C.Invest Hedge Fund has, as instructed by AFSA, removed its website cinvest.kz from the public domain.

Members of the public who may have become aware of information released by C.Invest Hedge Fund are advised to take note of this release. AFSA advises consumers to only deal with companies appropriately authorised to provide such services and therefore properly regulated in any jurisdiction.

Consumer enquiries in relation to C.Invest Hedge Fund may be directed to https://afsa.aifc.kz/submit-your-complaint/ or by email to supervision@afsa.kz.

AFSA advises consumers to exercise caution when dealing with firms claiming links with the AIFC who are soliciting investment in Cryptocurrencies. The message from AFSA is for consumers to be careful, and only invest with authorised firms. AIFC Participant status does not allow offering financial services without obtaining a licence for carrying on regulated financial activities from the AFSA. It is also important that consumers distinguish between an entity registered/incorporated within the AIFC from an entity that is authorised to carry on regulated activities or other permitted activities.

Consumers are advised to check the status of authorisation on AFSA’s website at https://publicreg.myafsa.com/authorised/, and avoid dealing with firms not permitted by AFSA to carry out the activities they market.