Supervision of Authorised Market Institutions

Supervision of Authorised Market Institutions

Supervision of Authorised Market Institutions

AFSA or (as the case may be) its officers may, by notice in writing, require an AMI or any other Person who is connected to the AMI to provide or produce specified information or information of a specified description, at a specified place and within a reasonable period, in such form and with such verification or authentication as it may reasonably require.

An AMI or its Employees must deal with AFSA in an open and cooperative manner, and notify AFSA about:

1. Authorised Investment Exchanges

An Authorised Investment Exchange (“AIE”) is an AIFC Centre Participant which has been licensed by AFSA to carry on the Market Activity of Operating an Investment Exchange.

AISs must ensure that they have transparent rules and procedures to provide for fair and orderly trading and to establish objective criteria for the efficient execution of orders.

An AIE must continually ensure:

For more detailed information regarding Rules governing Authorised Investments Exchanges please follow this link.

Authorised Investment Exchange Supervisory Measures

2. Authorised Clearing Houses

An Authorised Clearing House is an AIFC Centre Participant which has been licensed by AFSA to carry on the Market Activity of Operating a Clearing House.

An Authorised Clearing House (“ACH”) must have clear and objective criteria included in its Business Rules according to which investments can be cleared or settled through its facilities.

An ACH must ensure it has the following:

More detailed information regarding Authorised Clearing Houses can be found here.

AIX CSD Supervisory Measures Deployed by AFSA

3. Crowdfunding Platform


An Authorised Crowdfunding Platform is an AIFC Centre Participant which has been licensed by AFSA to carry on the Market Activity of Operating a Loan Crowdfunding Platform and/or Operating an Investment Crowdfunding Platform.

A Crowdfunding Platform must ensure the following on a continual basis:


An Authorised Crowdfunding Platform may apply to AFSA to carry on one or more of the following Regulated and Market Activities.

Crowdfunding Supervisory Measures


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