AFSA issues Consultation Papers on proposed amendments to the AIFC CIS Rules on ESG Funds and revised proposed amendments to the AIFC Fees Rules

The Astana Financial Services Authority (AFSA) has issued the following Consultation Papers to seek suggestions from the market on:

  1. Proposed amendments to the AIFC Collective Investment Scheme Rules on ESG Funds.

It is proposed to introduce the amendments to the AIFC Collective Scheme Framework and the AIFC Glossary to include ESG Funds as a separate type of Specialist Funds. The Consultation paper is available via this link

  1. Revised proposed amendments to the AIFC Fees Rules: The AFSA has published revisions to earlier proposed amendments after taking into account public consultation comments on Consultation Paper AFSA-P-CE-2023-0004. The Consultation paper is available via this link.

We invite comments from interested stakeholders.

The deadline for providing comments on the proposed framework is 2 December 2023. Once we receive your comments, we shall consider if any refinements are required to this proposal.

AFSA prefers to receive comments by email at [email protected]