AFSA held a webinar for Authorised Persons and DNFBPs to inform on Amendments to AML Guidance, new CDD Guidance and List of financial and ancillary services subject to financial monitoring

Astana Financial Services Authority (AFSA) held the webinars for Authorised Persons (Authorised Firms, Authorised Market Institutions and FinTech Lab Participants) and DNFBPs (including Ancillary Services Providers as law firms, audit firms, accountancy firms and Company Services Providers) on different aspects of:

  • the amendments to AML Guidance implemented in compliance with amendments to Kazakhstan’s AML/CFT Law;
  • New Guidance on non-face to face Customer Due Diligence (CDD);
  • List of financial and ancillary services subject to the financial monitoring (List).

On 3 February 2021, the AML/CFT Webinar was organised and held for DNFBPs, where 24 out of 57 DNBFPs attended the session.

On 4 February 2021, the AFSA organised the Webinar for Authorised Persons, where over 36 participants attended the session (9 Authorised Firms, 2 Authorised Market Institutions and 5 FinTech Lab Participants).

The webinars were devoted to the amendments to AML Guidance and details of the Guidance on non-face to face CDD and the List adopted by the AFSA on 30 December 2020. Main issues such as key and related amendments relating to the relevant AIFC Participants and the requirements of Guidance on non-face to face CDD include identification and verification, ML/FT risk management, and record-keeping in the case of non-face to face business relations and CDD were discussed.

The webinars were also focused on the amendments to AML Guidance and the requirements of a new Guidance on non-face to face CDD, which should be implemented by Authorised Persons and DNFBPs in its AML policies, controls, and procedures.