The Astana Financial Services Authority issues public statement concerning Mind Capital

The Astana Financial Services Authority (AFSA) notifies the public that:

Mind Capital (MIND CAPITAL TECH, S.L. and/or Mindcapital OU) (website: https://mind.capitalhas not been authorized and is not authorized to provide financial services in/from the Astana International Financial Centre (AIFC).

Section 24 of the AIFC Financial Services Framework Regulations, provides that a Centre Participant must not carry on a Regulated Activity, Market Activity or Ancillary Service unless it is licensed to do so by the AFSA.  Mind Capital is not an authorised person.

MIND CAPITAL TECH, S.L. registered a recognized company in the Astana International Financial Centre – Representative Office of MIND CAPITAL TECH, S.L. in the AIFC with business activity of design, production, and development of software. This representative office is not authorized to provide financial services in/from the AIFC.

Dealing with financial firms that are not authorized by the AFSA means that customers may not benefit from the protection afforded under AIFC consumer protection legislation in case of a failure of the firm to fulfill its obligations to customers.

Check the Public Register, which contains business information of companies authorized and/or registered by the AFSA, to ensure that the firm is authorized before using financial services/products.

If financial services/products are offered to consumers, it is important to check that such a firm is properly licenced by the AFSA to offer financial services in order to benefit from the applicable protection under the Applicable Law of the AIFC.

For more details please click here.