Law and consulting firms attended AFSA’s second training session on registration and authorization processes

3 April 2020 – Astana Financial Services Authority in collaboration with the AIFC Academy of Law held a second webinar for law and consulting firms on different aspects of registration and authorization processes. In view of health and safety considerations in these challenging times the AFSA held the training in the format of a webinar. Over 100 participants attended the session.

The webinar was devoted to registration procedures relating to Public Companies, Special Purpose Companies and Partnerships. It covered topical issues such as working with the self-service portal, compliance with legislative requirements, disclosure of Ultimate Beneficial Owners, transfer of incorporation to the AIFC.

The webinar also discussed applications for regulated activities and ancillary services and covered themes of communications with the home and host regulators, disclosure of controllers, anti-money laundering requirements, regulatory business plan, fitness and propriety of matters, conduct of business (holding Client Money and/or Client Investments) and prudential considerations, etc.

Yerlan Mukhanbediyev, Head of Office of the Legal Consulting Community Limited, noted: Many thanks for regular Training sessions. It is a very valuable arena which provides an excellent opportunity for legal advisors and consultants ask passionate questions about right application of the AIFC Acting Law in the relation of authorization, registration, recognition and post-registration procedures.”

Tair Kulteleev, CEO of AEQUITAS Law Firm (AIFC Branch), noted: “Thank you for inviting to the Training Session about the AIFC Registration procedures and requirements.  I believe that under the current circumstances Zoom platform is an excellent tool to discuss the AIFC related matters. There are a lot of questions about such a new jurisdiction as the AIFC, and it will not be possible to keep us updated on the registration procedures and requirements in the AIFC without you or exchange information and knowledge.  So, thank you very much for this idea and professional presentation.”.

This is a second outreach event of AFSA for law and consulting firms. Detailed agenda is available here. AFSA plans to hold similar sessions regularly on quarterly basis.