Recognised Non-AIFC Members/Recognised Non-AIFC Market Institutions

Recognised Non-AIFC Members/Recognised Non-AIFC Market Institutions

Supervision of Recognised Non-AIFC Members
Recognised Non-AIFC Members are required to notify the AFSA immediately of any material changes which could impact their recognition status within the AIFC. This includes making copies available of any information provided to financial services regulators outside of the AIFC.

Supervision of Recognised Non-AIFC Market Institutions
Recognised Non-AIFC Market Institutions are required to deal with the AFSA and their home Financial Services Regulator/s in an open and co-operative manner. This includes keeping the AFSA promptly informed of significant events, as well as submitting a copy of annual reports and accounts.

• The AFSA relies upon the home Financial Services Regulator to act as the primary regulator of the Recognised Non-AIFC Market Institution. The focus of the AFSA’s interest will be on activities carried on in the AIFC or activities which have an impact on the AIFC.

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