Global Financial Innovation Network (GFIN)

Global Financial Innovation Network (GFIN)

The Global Financial Innovation Network (GFIN) was formally launched in January 2019 by an international group of financial regulators and related organizations, including the Astana Financial Services Authority (AFSA).

The GFIN is a network of 50 organizations committed to supporting financial innovation in the interests of consumers.

The GFIN seeks to provide a more efficient way for innovative firms to interact with regulators, helping them navigate between countries as they look to scale new ideas. This includes a pilot for firms wishing to test innovative products, services or business models across more than one jurisdiction.

It also aims to create a new framework for co-operation between financial services regulators on innovation-related topics, sharing different experiences and approaches.

As part of its commitment to be an open initiative, the GFIN launched its own website (link is external) in January 2020. The website provides information about the GFIN’s membership, cross-border testing and all the GFIN’s existing publications.

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