
Astana Financial Services Authority and Financial Supervision Commission of Bulgaria signed a Memorandum of Understanding for cooperation in supervision of alternative investment fund managers

Опубликовано: May 17, 2021 в 11:25 am

Категории: News


Astana Financial Services Authority (AFSA) and Financial Supervision Commission of Bulgaria (FSC) signed a Memorandum of Understanding for cooperation in supervision of alternative investment fund managers (AIFM) under the EU’s AIFM directive. This MoU sets the framework conditions for AIFC fund managers to market and manage alternative investment funds, such as hedge funds, private equity and real estate funds to professional investors in Bulgaria, as well as for Bulgaria to manage or market alternative investment funds in the AIFC.

In view of growing globalization of the world’s financial markets and the increase in cross-border operations and activities of managers of alternative investment funds formalization of cooperation between AFSA and FSC will allow mutual assistance in the supervision of Managers of alternative investment funds, their delegates and depositaries that operate on a cross-border basis. Through the MoU, supervisory authorities expressed their willingness to cooperate with each other in the interest of fulfilling their respective regulatory mandates, particularly in the areas of investor protection, fostering market and financial integrity, and maintaining confidence and financial stability.

Astana Financial Services Authority and Financial Markets Authority of Austria signed a Memorandum of Understanding for cooperation in supervision of alternative investment fund managers

Опубликовано: April 14, 2021 в 6:35 am

Категории: News


Astana Financial Services Authority (AFSA) and Financial Market Authority of Austria (FMA Austria) signed a Memorandum of Understanding for cooperation in supervision of alternative investment fund managers (AIFM) under the EU’s AIFM directive. This MoU sets the framework conditions for AIFC fund managers to market and manage alternative investment funds, such as hedge funds, private equity and real estate funds to professional investors in Austria, as well as for Austria to manage or market alternative investment funds in the AIFC.

In view of growing globalization of the world’s financial markets and the increase in cross-border operations and activities of managers of alternative investment funds formalization of cooperation between AFSA and FMA Austria will allow mutual assistance in the supervision of Managers of alternative investment funds, their delegates and depositaries that operate on a cross-border basis. Through the MoU, supervisory authorities expressed their willingness to cooperate with each other in the interest of fulfilling their respective regulatory mandates, particularly in the areas of investor protection, fostering market and financial integrity, and maintaining confidence and financial stability.

Astana Financial Services Authority and Polish Financial Supervision Authority signed a Memorandum of Understanding for cooperation in supervision of alternative investment fund managers

Опубликовано: April 12, 2021 в 9:01 am

Категории: News


Astana Financial Services Authority (AFSA) and Polish Financial Supervision Authority (KNF) signed a Memorandum of Understanding for cooperation in supervision of alternative investment fund managers (AIFM) under the EU’s AIFM directive. This MoU sets the framework conditions for AIFC fund managers to market and manage alternative investment funds, such as hedge funds, private equity and real estate funds to professional investors in Poland, as well as for Poland to manage or market alternative investment funds in the AIFC.

In view of growing globalization of the world’s financial markets and the increase in cross-border operations and activities of managers of alternative investment funds formalization of cooperation between AFSA and KNF will allow mutual assistance in the supervision of Managers of alternative investment funds, their delegates and depositaries that operate on a cross-border basis. Through the MoU, supervisory authorities expressed their willingness to cooperate with each other in the interest of fulfilling their respective regulatory mandates, particularly in the areas of investor protection, fostering market and financial integrity, and maintaining confidence and financial stability.

Astana Financial Services Authority and Financial Market Authority of Liechtenstein signed a Memorandum of Understanding for cooperation in supervision of alternative investment fund managers

Опубликовано: April 7, 2021 в 6:43 am

Категории: News


Astana Financial Services Authority (AFSA) and Financial Market Authority of Liechtenstein (FMA Liechtenstein) signed a Memorandum of Understanding for cooperation in supervision of alternative investment fund managers (AIFM) under the EU’s AIFM directive. This MoU sets the framework conditions for AIFC fund managers to market and manage alternative investment funds, such as hedge funds, private equity and real estate funds to professional investors in Liechtenstein, as well as for Liechtenstein to manage or market alternative investment funds in the AIFC.

In view of growing globalization of the world’s financial markets and the increase in cross-border operations and activities of managers of alternative investment funds formalization of cooperation between AFSA and FMA Lichtenstein will allow mutual assistance in the supervision of Managers of alternative investment funds, their delegates and depositaries that operate on a cross-border basis. Through the MoU, supervisory authorities expressed their willingness to cooperate with each other in the interest of fulfilling their respective regulatory mandates, particularly in the areas of investor protection, fostering market and financial integrity, and maintaining confidence and financial stability.

Astana Financial Services Authority resumes capacity building events on registration and authorisation of AIFC Participants

Опубликовано: April 5, 2021 в 8:17 am

Категории: News


Astana Financial Services Authority (AFSA) resumed its capacity building webinars for AIFC Participants devoted to enhancing understanding of practical aspects of registration and authorisation by AFSA. First training event of this year “How to register online via Digital Resident Portal” was held on 26 March 2021 for law firms. The event covered functioning of the Digital Resident Portal’s following aspects:

  • Registration of Private company;
  • FinTechLab In-principle approval;
  • Ancillary services in-principle approval.

More than 40 participants attended the session. Recording of the webinar is available below.


The event was devoted to the online application through Digital Resident platform. Main requirements and application process for registration, FinTech Lab pre-application and application stages. The webinar also focused on types of Ancillary Service Providers (ASPs) and relevant legislation (GEN, AML, COB, AUD) and supporting documents to prepare prior to applying for in-principle approval.

Three more quarterly webinars are planned for 2021 and will be announced in due course.

Persons interested in providing feedback on functioning of the portal may complete a short survey by clicking the link.

For questions and requests you can write to [email protected]

Astana Financial Services Authority and Finanstilsynet of Denmark signed a Memorandum of Understanding for cooperation in supervision of alternative investment fund managers

Опубликовано: March 25, 2021 в 12:07 pm

Категории: News


Astana Financial Services Authority (AFSA) and Danish Financial Supervisory Authority (Finanstilsynet) signed a Memorandum of Understanding for cooperation in supervision of alternative investment fund managers (AIFM) under the EU’s AIFM directive. This MoU sets the framework conditions for AIFC fund managers to market and manage alternative investment funds, such as hedge funds, private equity and real estate funds to professional investors in Denmark, as well as for Denmark to manage or market alternative investment funds in the AIFC.

In view of growing globalization of the world’s financial markets and the increase in cross-border operations and activities of managers of alternative investment funds formalization of cooperation between AFSA and Finanstilsynet will allow mutual assistance in the supervision of Managers of alternative investment funds, their delegates and depositaries that operate on a cross-border basis. Through the MoU, supervisory authorities expressed their willingness to cooperate with each other in the interest of fulfilling their respective regulatory mandates, particularly in the areas of investor protection, fostering market and financial integrity, and maintaining confidence and financial stability.

Astana Financial Services Authority announces the commencement of series of training sessions for participants and law firms on registration and authorisation processes in the AIFC

Опубликовано: March 12, 2021 в 5:08 am

Категории: News


AFSA will hold capacity building events for the AIFC participants and law companies. There will be four sessions during 2021 year. 
Details of the first online session are provided below.

Date: 26 March 2021
Venue: Zoom
Topic: “How to make an online application via Digital resident?”


4.00 – 4.15 pm (Nur-Sultan)
I. Registration of Private company – whole process via Digital Resident

Dameli Tungatarova, Registration Division
– Name reservation
– Requirements for registration
– List of supporting documents
– Application process via Digital resident
– Frequent mistakes

4.15 – 4.30 pm (Nur-Sultan)
II. In-principle – whole process via Digital Resident

Amir Negametzyanov, FinTech Division
– Pre-Application stage and Certificate of FinTech Lab participant
– Application stage – detailed view on application
– Application processing by case-officer
– In-principle and license notice (in-principle requirements)
– Further actions (go-live)

4.30 – 4.45 pm (Nur-Sultan)
III. Ancillary services in-principle approval – whole process via Digital Resident

Assel Mukashkaliyeva, Authorisations Division
– Types of ASPs and relevant legislation (GEN, AML, COB, AUD)
– Supporting documents to prepare prior to applying
– The digital resident application structure
– What information does Authorisations Division look for in the application
– Timeline for processing application

4.45 – 5.00 pm (Nur-Sultan)
Q&A session

If you are interested, please register through the link before 20 March 2021 or scan QR code below.

Zoom meeting details of the event will be sent to participants on 25 March 2021.

Astana Financial Services Authority jointly with Refinitiv hosted a webinar on global trends in AML/CFT/CPF areas

Опубликовано: March 11, 2021 в 6:53 am

Категории: News


On 25 February 2021 Astana Financial Services Authority partnering with Refinitiv held an online event on the topic “Risk and compliance: New global trends in AML/CFT/CPF areas in 2021”.  The event focused on gaining insights into global trends in anti-money laundering (AML), combating terrorism financing (CTF) and central provident fund (CPF) areas as well as the actions financial institutions need to take or are currently taking to address current financial crime risks.  

Yerkegali Yedenbayev, Director of Financial Conduct at the Astana Financial Services Authority provided a high-level overview on AML/CFT supervision in AIFC, underlying requirements and covered the importance of AML supervision as part of broader regulatory work. 

Dulat Akkassov, Senior Associate at Financial Conduct division of Astana Financial Services Authority, delivered a presentation about AML/CFT regulation policies in the AIFC.   

The event welcomed 135 participants overall. The full video version of the webinar is available here

All partnership enquires on joint events can be addressed to [email protected]


Refinitiv, an LSEG (London Stock Exchange Group) business, is one of the world’s largest providers of financial markets data and infrastructure. With over 40,000 customers and 400,000 end users across 190 countries, Refinitiv is powering participants across the global financial marketplace. Refinitiv provides information, insights, and technology that enable customers to execute critical investing, trading and risk decisions with confidence. By combining a unique open platform with best-in-class data and expertise, Refinitiv connects people to choice and opportunity – driving performance, innovation and growth for its customers and partners. 

Astana Financial Services Authority and Croatian Financial Services Supervisory Agency signed a Memorandum of Understanding for cooperation in supervision of alternative investment fund managers

Опубликовано: March 9, 2021 в 7:40 am

Категории: News


Astana Financial Services Authority (AFSA) and Croatian Financial Services Supervisory Agency (Hanfa) signed a Memorandum of Understanding for cooperation in supervision of alternative investment fund managers (AIFM) under the EU’s AIFM directive. This MoU sets the framework conditions for AIFC fund managers to market and manage alternative investment funds, such as hedge funds, private equity and real estate funds to professional investors in Croatia, as well as for Croatia to manage or market alternative investment funds in the AIFC.

In view of growing globalization of the world’s financial markets and the increase in cross-border operations and activities of managers of alternative investment funds formalization of cooperation between AFSA and Hanfa will allow mutual assistance in the supervision of Managers of alternative investment funds, their delegates and depositaries that operate on a cross-border basis. Through the MoU, supervisory authorities expressed their willingness to cooperate with each other in the interest of fulfilling their respective regulatory mandates, particularly in the areas of investor protection, fostering market and financial integrity, and maintaining confidence and financial stability.