AFSA Open Days Initiative

Every Thursday according to the schedule, AFSA Executive Body Members and the Registrar of Companies are going to welcome participants, and anyone interested in learning about AFSA or providing improvement advice on AFSA’s business processes.


From its very inception, AFSA has always strived to be a regulator that listens to the market needs and takes account of them. We are committed to ensuring that our regulatory services are client-centric and address the needs and concerns of its stakeholders in an efficient manner.


During the weekly Open Day sessions, our management will aim to provide a clear and comprehensive overview of its functions, responsibilities, and ongoing initiatives.


To book your appointment, please visit this link. It will take you to the AFSA website where you will need to complete a short form and submit your appointment.


If you have any questions regarding Open Day booking, please contact us by emailing to [email protected] or by calling the following number +7 (717) 261 37 80 during business hours.